
ACCE Public Information 2016-Present

ACCE Public Information

Beginning in academic year 2015-2016, 程序, 大学, and university assessment information is available on the University Assessment web site. The link to that site is listed below. 学生数据 is now provided on a PDF document linked below.

Academic Assessment

  • Objectives of the degree 程序
  • Assessment measures
  • Information obtained through these assessment measures
  • 采取的行动
  • 支持数据

Supporting information can be found on the ISU Assessment web site at the following link: http://bslx.getcarddoctor.com/assessment/assessment-results»
Click on the down arrow next to the College of 技术 and refer to the Construction Management 程序.


  • Student achievements
  • 奖学金 received
  • Rates and types of employment of graduates
  • 平均薪资

LINK to Construction Management Student Achievements»

Admission Requirements

The admission requirements for the Construction Management Program are the same as the University. Refer to the ISU Office of 招生 web site at the following link:http://bslx.getcarddoctor.com/admissions»